Minute Taking Course


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Course information

Effective Minute Taking will enable your business units to solve many problems and complaints associated with running meetings.  In the hands of a competent minute taker, the following skills will enable managers and staff to efficiently record and effectively action meeting items.

Both Formal and Informal meetings take place every day in organisations, but who is taking and recording the minutes of these meetings?  Are accurate records of key business decisions being recorded? Who were the key decision makers? Does anyone know what happened in the meeting and what decisions were made and approved/endorsed? What ideas were discussed and endorsed/approved? Are your business units effectively implementing decisions made after the meeting?

The Redpath Education minute taking course will enable the successful participant to understand the important role of a minute-taker, as well as efficiently record all the relevant information discussed.  Learn key skills, such as deciding what should be recorded, active listening, how to create drafts and reports, organisational skills and much more.

Training arrangements:

This non accredited course is delivered in five (5) two-hour sessions to suit the business or the participant group, and participants should allow to complete workplace activities of at least 4 hrs between sessions for the course duration.  The face to face course presentation includes audio visual and practical scenario’s, with a theory assessment prior to the face to face session.  Industry and individual participants are encouraged to include policies, procedures and documentation from their workplace, to better contextualise their learning.

Tutors and learning support:

Training is conducted in English and participants must possess functional written and spoken English skills.  The course is delivered by local, qualified trainers, who hold a current Working with Children card, understand the context of practice and embrace the principles of cultural safety in their teaching.

Course fees and bookings:

Fees are payable though the website, at our Offices and may be tax deductible to eligible students.  All fees must be paid before a Statement of Participation is issued.  Pre-payment secures your enrolment for this course.

  • This is a corporate course, however individuals may apply to attend by contacting us.
  • Classes on campus or at your workplace, on schedule or after hours
  • Class size is limited to a max of 10 participants - unless otherwise arranged

Remote travel is additional to the course cost, and will be quoted on request

Course Content:

  • Recognise and understand the importance of meetings and recorded minutes
  • Prepare and distribute minutes
  • Identify and record action items during meetings
  • Write drafts, proof read and organise minutes
  • Develop skills in active listening, critical thinking and organisation
  • Recognise the roles of committee members
  • Understand and customise meeting agendas
  • Record & review meeting minutes, agendas and action items
  • Deal with common complaints and difficulties faced by minute takers
  • Perform the role with expertise using the knowledge and skills

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